Wholehearted: A Biblical Look at the Greatest Commandment and Personal Wealth
The greatest commandment in Scripture comes from Deuteronomy 6:4-6, exhorting Christians to love God with their whole being – heart, soul, and strength. This commandment is sometimes called the "Shema," coming from the first Hebrew word in verse 4, meaning “hear.”
For the Christian, the implications of the Shema are comprehensive, affecting how we steward all that God gives us, beginning with our inner self and extending out to our external lives, including our wealth. Applying the Shema to our wealth challenges our perception of wealth today. Wealth can be a gift and sign of God’s blessing or also an idol that we worship in place of God.
In this 30-page booklet, Dr. Scott Redd, president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, has written a compelling, illuminating exposition on the Shema that will reform your understanding of the Greatest Commandment and how you view your wealth.
Foreword by Dr. Art Lindsley, IFWE's vice president of theological initiatives
Digital version available here.
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