Study Guide - For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty (Digital Download)
This digital download is a companion study guide to the title For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty.
This Study Guide includes:
- Chapter Summaries
- Comprehension Questions
- Practical Applications
- Additional Resources
While much progress has been made toward poverty alleviation, many well-intentioned efforts have led Christians to actions that are not only ineffective, but leave the most vulnerable in a worse situation than before. Is there a better answer? Combining biblical exegesis with proven economic principles, For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty equips Christians with both a solid biblical and economic understanding of how best to care for the poor and foster sustainable economic development. With contributions from fourteen leading Christian economists, theologians, historians, and practitioners, For the Least of These presents the case for why markets and trade are the world’s best hope for alleviating poverty.
For the Least of These: A Biblical Anser to Poverty Endorsements
“This valuable volume provides solutions to poverty that really work, in contrast to many well-intentioned but harmful solutions that are popular in much of society today. It contains a wide range of practical and biblical insights from the accumulated wisdom of experts who have spent a large portion of their lives developing expertise in how economies actually function in the real world, as well as many useful theological insights on the problem of poverty.”
-- Wayne Grudem, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary
“This book engagingly addresses poverty from a biblical point of view, convincingly demonstrating the case for free enterprise as the best means for the transformational development of the poor.”
-- Luis Bush, Ph.D.
International Facilitator of Transform World Connections
“This book soundly tackles the most important social task of Christians over the next twenty years: the urgent need to break the chains of poverty for the world's billion-plus poor. For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty critically balances the discussion between the poor in biblical times and who they are today, as well as examining the economic principles behind poverty and prosperity. The book’s empirical analysis reveals that great progress has been made—and sound methods discovered—for breaking the chains of poverty. The editors are to be praised for their unique concentration on both biblical principles and sound empirical research to determine what works and what doesn't to free the poor from poverty.”
-- Michael Novak
Author of The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism